The ICG Foundation is a non-profit organization that was created with a goal: directly implementing and managing social responsibility actions. These actions are linked to promoting training, cooperation and social integration and science and knowledge in favor of the general interest.
Our main objective is to contribute to the welfare of society, and to achieve a better social, educational and cultural development, especially in the areas where the ICG Group is present.
For this reason, we carry out our actions in three main areas:

Development and promotion of ICGUniversity Higher Education Program which ensures participation at the highest level to help train future professionals in hospitality and tourism sectors through technology transfer and knowledge.
Social cooperation and integration acions in collaboration with institutionswho are working with young people to join the job market and avoid social exclusion and actions to preserve cultural heritage.
These actions are held in several parts of Spain, Andorra, Portugal, Panama, Ecuador, Venezuela, Peru, Uruguay, Cape Verde, Liberia, Angola and Mozambique.

Likewise, and with the aim of adding efforts, we promote the relationship with other foundations, universities, entities and institutions related to all the mentioned areas.
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Agreements with organizations
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Direct beneficiaries